I am the mom of BOYS. That should be on a t-shirt as a warning to others. Or maybe as an information site. No, I really think a warning t-shirt would be better. I don't have the sanity to help other confused parents.
I have several friends that have all boys and we are like a support group for each other. Sometimes it seems like our conversations start w/ "Has this ever happened at your house?".
And then we proceed to compare stories about the crazy, off-the-wall things our boys have done lately. I have friends who have girls too and several boys w/ one girl sprinkled in for sanity. They too have "boy stories" just not to the extreme of an all boy mom.
There is something about boys/men that makes them more confident to climb up something not meant to be climbed when there are other boys/men to cheer them on... I can only imagine that maybe that doesn't happen in households where a daughter exists. I like to think that a daughter would be a voice of reason or at least report the offense to a "responsible" adult - meaning me b/c David would be in the crowd, cheering.
There are things that boy moms have to know. Like the names of every Star Wars episode in order, and which episode Hans Solo (aka Indiana Jones) was frozen, why we NEED more Lego's and that it doesn't matter how many Lego containers you buy, they are still going to be everywhere!
Things like how to neutralize the smell of urine in ceramic grout lines and how much blood is too much for your awesome laundry skills, are common knowledge now. I have to know things like how to repair or replace everything from the ice maker on the refrigerator to the handle on the vacuum cleaner. They tear up everything! David is as bad as the boys too. He broke the handle on the vacuum and thought we'd still be able to use it. I ordered the handle the next morning after I tried to use the broken one. I think there are still plastic pieces in my palm. The handle is now replaced and we are good as new. The ice maker is waiting it's turn...
As an all boys mom you can never, I mean NEVER let "them" see you sweat! The "them" I'm talking about are the other parents. The non-boy parents. They're watching, they know that you can crack @ any moment and they don't want to miss out on witnessing that kind of drama! Keep your cool, you can flip out in the car on the way home. Not really, that's dangerous for everyone. Just keep your cool. Some boy moms are great @ this, they are usually seasoned veteran's. They can also spot a newbie and swoop in for help. They are your greatest chance at making it through this.
My friend can see me about to crack and stop it all with one look. It's a head cocked, one eyebrow up kind of look that makes me strong and my boys weak. She's a superhero like that. For our 6 year old's birthday last year she gave him 3 cloth IKEA boxes, 1 filled w/ bottle caps, 1 w/ acorns, nuts & bolts and the last one had john doe credit cards in it. Oliver was in heaven! I'd like the bottle caps to stop showing up all over my house upside down, in the dark! But he was happy and thinks it's great! She's a superhero like that. And they love her.
As much as they drive me crazy, they are precious. Yes, even David. I love it when I am picking up laundry and one of them walks by and casually says, "Hey Mom?", "I Love You" and then proceeds to go back from where he came. I recently stepped on a red wasp. Gosh that hurt! That's not exactly what I said :) Oliver heard my cry and filled a bag up w/ ice and brought it to me. He sat w/ me until it felt better or he couldn't stand my whining anymore.(not sure which). But he was there! Moments like these are a jewel in my MOM crown and it is full!
I recently read a blog about the excitement of living in a boy filled house.
Rachel has some good stories that make me feel that I am not alone. I can completely identify w/ what she writes about. I never thought I'd be so worried about hammers, Sharpies, knives, sticks, bricks, rocks and odd pieces of wire. They are all potential weapons in the house of boys. They have dislocated an arm w/ a plastic airplane before, imagine what they would do w/ a hammer!
They are amateur archaeologist. We have a wall outside that is the wall of fossils. They drag rocks up from everywhere. Cooper & Oliver found a geode in the gravel @ the football stadium Friday night. We have petrified wood, fossils of trees and plants, a huge stalagmite and several pieces of aged "beaver sticks". We have small animal skulls and snake skins. We had a rattlesnake tail but it started to stink so I threw it in the trash. Big Trouble! Not supposed to throw that stuff away, even if it stinks.
These are just a few bits of my boys and their gifts. They are great and I can't imagine my life any other way. For every bit of grey hair they give me, my heart grows bigger b/c of their sweetness.
My Cup runneth over.....