Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cooper's Birthday Cake

Recently, I stumbled over a cake recipe on Pinterest for a Whopper type cake. Whoppers are our son Cooper's favorite candy. So I went to the Urbane Fruits Blog to check out the recipe.  I think she lives in Canada so her measurement are in grams.  I decided that if we were going to bake this for Cooper's Birthday, I was going to use a fudgey cake recipe that I was familiar with and use chocolate buttercream for the icing. 

So off to WalMart to buy up Whoppers. I bought 40 oz but that wasn't enough because "somebody" ate half of them. So David went back and bought 12 oz more.  Finally enough Whoppers to finish the cake...  Our cake turned out well.  The boys said it looked just like Urbane Fruits cake. But it didnt' to me..

If you decide to make this cake know this,  Whoppers are NOT uniform in size & shape like the Maltesers that Sonja used. Her malted milk balls were perfect and uniform.  You will need at least 40 oz of Whoppers for a 9 inch, 2- layer cake.  We didn't dust ours w/ gold dust like @ Urbane Fruits but you'll see, it looks pretty good.

This is Urbane Fruit's Cake - awesome!!

Our cakes are cooling while we go get the Whoppers.

 Our Cake after we decorated it - not tooo bad.

Our Cake after it was set on fire and attacked!!  It was sooo good! I think we all went into sugar shock afterward. Fortunately our next birthday in this house isn't until September.

The Birthday Boy w/ his cake!

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