Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Lint Lizard!!

I was in WalMart earlier this week and made an impulse buy...  I usually don't fall victim to the "as seen on TV" products but I finally saw one that I just couldn't pass up.   I wasn't looking for an odd gadget to hang in my cleaning closet, I wasn't aware that I need another cleaning tool but there is was the        
Lint Lizard™
I knew I had to have it!  I feel that everytime I empty my lint screen dryer lint falls down into my dryer duct.  So this was the gadget for me!!! Even @ $11.00 I still didn't hesitate.  "think of the trade off" I was thinking..."flaming dryer lint or the Lint Lizard" .  So of course I needed the Lint Lizard.  

Clean Hard To Reach Places In An Instant!If you haven't seen the advertisements (which I had not) you obviously don't know about this awesome little rubber/plastic gadget. How this works is that you attach this little rubber adapter to your vaccuum cleaner hose and proceed to use the clear rubber hose in your dryer's lint trap. It is supposed to suck up all of the lint that is hanging around, waiting to burst into flames and catch your house on fire ( or so the ad indicates). My lint must have been really backed up as it clogged the vaccuum hose almost instantly. Once I cleaned it out we (the lizard and me) started back up to finish my cleaning task. I have to say, "I am impressed!" I now have a clean lint trap and a clean return air vent. I'm thinking that I will try sticking the rubber hose down the air vents in the living room. I bet I hit the Lego Jackpot! The boys always play Legos around the air vents, and then complain about losing them down the vent. I think I can use it under dressers and the pantry to clean up messes that are usually hidden.  

So go get a lint lizard! I'll have some other uses for the Lizard tommorrow!   I'm even thinking about ordering the Dust Lizard next!!  So if you are thinking about ordering a lint lizard, here is the website!  https://www.lintlizard.com/?uid=2537E5769CBD480DD2D390C9037919F1

I hope you find it an easy to use cleaning tool

Oh! I almost forgot:  I am a not a compensated spokes person :)
These are the views of a rambling, crazy, tired mom

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carol said...
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