Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ch ch ch changes......

I have an ear worm of Bowie's song "Changes". It plays over and over in my head.  As a family, this is our year of changes. After many dead end streets, we are focused on turning around.

I started back to school (after a 20 yr hiatus). Major changes have occurred as a result.  Everyone has had to adapt to our new schedule. David and I strive to make it all work as much as possible. He has to travel for work ( our little, peaceful town is great for raising kids, bad economically) so he's not always here to tag team. Fortunately, Parker is driving now and pitches in when needed.
We have adjusted to eating a lot of soup and crock-pot meals.  Since I am a "cook" by nature, this was a big adjustment. The boys were used to nice, big meals served up in the dining room. (I enjoyed it so it wasn't ever a hassle) we still try to sit down for dinner together several nights a week. But I have to admit, sometimes it's to eat pizza! I keep repeating to myself that this is just for a season. Then I remind myself that we are in a transitional mode right now. We may not get back to where we've been comfortable before but isn't that the point?

If you are reading this, I assume that you are one of the people that care for and want to know about our family. So here is what is going on with us right now- Cooper & Oliver are wrestling, their first tournament is this weekend! Parker is still on the football team, doing winter workouts... He just got back from a Youth Ski trip to NC. His arm is swollen and painful after a fall snowboarding. He got home yesterday and told me last night around 6 that his arm didn't feel well. We see his orthopedic Dr today, Again! He averages to see him once every 2 months.  I pray that it is just a sprain.

David is busy working and eating at interesting places while he is out if town. If you know David, you know that everything revolves around his next meal! I'm surprised he doesn't weight 400#. Thank God for his high metabolism!

I am in college full-time. I attend 3 classes and do one online. So far, it's going well. I have A's in everything except  Anatomy. And I don't know what my grade is in there, probably a "C" after the first test. Hopefully I will get to drop that one! I like school but I wish that I had taken it serious the first time around! It would have been so much easier w/o so many other responsibilities. It's hard for me to study @ wrestling practice or when the boys are home.  Sleep is not as much of a priority as it was 6 months ago.

Hopefully it will not be a month before my next update. I feel guilty when I do anything other than study right now. I am supposed to be in a "book club" but haven't been able to read the next group of books required for March. I may just go to the meeting anyway and visit!

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