Sunday, November 18, 2012

Stop and smell the pee pee, umm I mean roses.....

My boys are at 3 different schools this year.  I run from school to school picking up and dropping off in a rush most days.  I am not complaining, I normally don't mind it at all.  And up until football season ended I didn't have to pick Parker up until later in the day because of practice. Also, Parker will be driving in 3 weeks so it's not much of a big deal.

The school's dismissals are staggered so I have just enough time to drive to each school.  I pick Oliver (the youngest) up first, followed by Cooper (middle child) and then Parker (oldest).  Lately, Oliver has been jumping in the car doing the "pee-pee" dance.  I've asked him to PLEASE, use the restroom before the bell rings.  Still every afternoon, the pee-pee dance.....  

A few years ago a friend, who is a RN, gave us a hospital urinal before we left for a trip to Arizona w/ the boys  She laughed as she gave it to me and said, "believe me, you'll need it...".  Well, she was right and we've replaced that one several times now.   As gross as that may sound, it really is a reality when you have boys and travel by car.  We don't talk about it but we've all done it.  This topic recently came up @ a birthday party and it was a hilarious conversation.  Water bottles, coffee mugs, fast food cups....   I referred them to the the medical supply store for their own urinal bottle :) 

Back to my original story.  This past week Oliver, true to form, got into the car and proceeded w/ a screaming pee-pee dance.  I told him to retrieve the urinal that was hidden behind the 2nd row seat. I had decided to start leaving it in the car, just in case.   My instructions were use it and then hold it by the handle until we arrived @ the wooded area just before Cooper's school.  Simple enough.  But no, I turned the corner and the urinal went flying and pee-pee dumped into my floor.   Fortunately, my Rover has rubber floor mats and it wasn't a huge amount of urine (enough to be nasty- regardless).   We pulled over @ the wooded area, dump the Goodwill donation out of it's trash bag and put the floor mat into the bag. 

We continued our usual pick ups and went home to scrub the mats.

When I went out to my car the next morning, I was overwhelmed w/ the smell of urine! I guess it had spilled on the carpet before I pulled over to remove the mat.  At first, I thought "ugh, that Oliver!!" then it occurred to me:  If I had just taken the time to stop and let Oliver use a bathroom, we wouldn't have had this problem! It was due to my rushing and hurrying that made this mess!!! 

From now on I am going to do my best to slow down, give in to Oliver and his little boy bladder and preserve my floors of my vehicle :)    Life is too short to spend so much time rushing around.  An extra 5 minutes will save 30 minutes of scrubbing pee-pee later.


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